PalmSens potentiostat instruments

With software for PC and smartphone/tablet

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Enabling Electrochemistry Inside and Outside the Lab

Discover our Potentiostats / Galvanostats / Impedance Analyzers

  • Single-channel and multi-channel
  • Accurate and reliable
  • Proven in 3000+ scientific publications
  • Wearable, portable and benchtop
  • Intuitive software for Windows and Android

Electrochemical Interfaces

At PalmSens we are committed to making electrochemistry easier, more portable,
and more accessible for novice and advanced researchers and entrepreneurs.

Quality Assured

PalmSens is ISO 9001:2015 certified & Partner of Analog Devices Inc

The ISO 9001:2015 certification demonstrates the commitment to delivering consistent, high-quality products and services. PalmSens is also a Analog Devices Partner. PalmSens is specialized in OEM applications and customized solutions. Choose us for reliability and customer satisfaction.

Worldwide Distribution

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