EmStat Pico Core

Proven and validated dual-channel potentiostat chip

  • Attractive for high-volume applications
  • Small footprint of 5 x 6 mm
  • Works with MethodSCRIPT
  • PalmSens reference design for easy integration
  • Support from Analog Devices & PalmSens
PalmSens usually responds to your quotation request within one business day.


The EmStat Pico Core is a high-volume potentiostat chip for use with MethodSCRIPT™ that enables you to perform electrochemical measurements using your own electrochemical sensor without programming skills. You can integrate this small dual-channel chip of 6 by 5 mm on your PCB without any technical knowledge of potentiostats thanks to the joint development by Analog Devices Inc and PalmSens. Our reference design, network, experience and support will help you succeed and save development time with the smallest potentiostat chip on the market.

  • Dimensions: 5 x 6 mm
  • Dual channel (2x WE, 2x RE, 2x CE)
  • EIS frequency range: 0.016 Hz to 200 kHz
  • Full dc-potential range: -1.7 V to +2 V
  • Current ranges: 100 nA to 5 mA
  • Four different versions available, each with different electrochemical techniques.

Prototype the features of the EmStat Pico Core easily using the EmStat Pico Module and the Development Kit, since the firmware of the EmStat Pico Core is exactly the same as the EmStat Pico Module. The firmware includes proven internal calibration modules for onboard calibration. A host microcontroller is not required in many cases, saving an additional microcontroller. The power consumption during hibernation of 10 µA enables low-power (wearable) applications. The robust UART bootloader enables firmware updates in the field if needed. The open-source parsing examples and libraries on GitHub will quickly get a programmer started in C, C#, Python and Android.

Advantages and Overview

The EmStat Pico Core is at the heart of the EmStat Pico Module. There are two main advantages of the EmStat Pico Core, compared with the EmStat Pico module:

  • Economical solution for high volumes
  • Small footprint

The EmStat Pico Core is an attractive option if you need >10k units. Lower quantities are available for prototyping. The EmStat Pico Core is distributed via PalmSens and .

Pico vs Pico Core

EmStat Pico

EmStat Pico Core

Based on ADuCM355

Works with MethodSCRIPT

Minimum Order Quantity




18 x 30 mm 

6 x 5 mm

1TΩ Input impedance


Extra 100 nA current range


Calibration of external TIA resistors


The optional items depend on the implementation of the PalmSens reference design.

Supported techniques

There are four different versions available, each with different electrochemical techniques: A, B, C and ALL. The default version is ALL, from 50+ units the A, B and C versions are available. 

Voltammetric techniques

Linear Sweep Voltammetry LSV
Cyclic Voltammetry CV
Square Wave Voltammetry SWV    
Differential Pulse Voltammetry DPV    
Normal Pulse Voltammetry NPV    

Techniques as a function of time

Chronoamperometry CA
Pulsed Amperometric Detection PAD
Open Circuit Potentiometry OCP
MultiStep Amperometry MA
Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy EIS    
Missing a technique? See cross-reference list


The EmStat Pico Core works at three different modes;
Low Speed mode: for scan rates up to 1 V/s or a bandwidth of 100 Hz.
High Speed mode: for high scan rates and frequencies.
Max Range mode: a combination of the Low and High Speed modes for optimal dynamic dc-potential range.

  Low Speed mode High Speed mode Max Range mode
dc-potential range
The maximum potential difference, that can be applied between WE and RE.
-1.2 to +2 V -1.7 to +2 V -1.7 to +2 V
dc-potential range
The maximum potential difference, that can be applied between WE and RE.
2.2 V 1.2 V 2.6 V
Compliance voltage -2.0 to +2.3 V [2]
Maximum current ± 3 mA
Max. acquisition rate
100 1000 100

[1]  The dynamic range is the range that can be covered during a single scan within the full potential range. For example; a linear scan can start at -1.5 V and end at 1.1 V or vice versa, covering 2.6 V dynamic range.
[2] The compliance voltage is the maximum potential between Working and Counter electrode and depends on the selected mode.
[3] If your main WE1 is scanning from -0.5V to +0.5V, the WE2 can only have a maximum offset of 0.6V.

Dual-channel and Bipotentiostat functionality
  • The second channel of the EmStat Pico Core can be used for running sequential measurements on two different cells each with their own Reference, Counter and Working electrodes.
  • The second channel can also be used in Bipotentiostat mode, functioning as second Working Electrode versus the Reference and Counter electrode of channel 1. Both channels are recorded simultaneously in the Bipotentiostat mode.
  • The second Working Electrode (WE2) can either be set at a potential offset with respect to WE1 or at a fixed potential with respect to RE1.
  • The Bipotentiostat mode is supported in Low Speed mode (see table above) for all techniques, excluding EIS and OCP.
Potentiostat (controlled potential mode)
Channels 2 (2x WE, 2x RE and 2x CE)
Applied dc-potential resolution 537 µV 395 µV 932 µV
Applied potential accuracy < 0.2% < 0.5% < 0.5%
Current ranges 100 nA, 2 uA,
4 uA, 8 uA,
16 uA, 32 uA,
63 uA, 125 uA,
250 uA, 500 uA,
1 mA, 5 mA
100 nA, 1 uA,
6 uA, 13 uA,
25 uA, 50 uA,
100 uA,
200 uA, 1 mA,
5 mA
100 nA, 1 uA,
6 uA, 13 uA,
25 uA, 50 uA,
100 uA,
200 uA, 1 mA,
5 mA
Current accuracy < 0.5 % of current ±0.1% of range < 1 % of current ±0.1% of range
Measured current resolution 0.006% of selected current range
(5.5 pA on 100 nA range)
Measured potential resolution (for OCP) 56 uV
FRA / EIS (impedance measurements)
Frequency range 0.016 Hz to 200 kHz
Ac-amplitude range 1 mV to 0.25 V rms, or 0.708 V p-p
Modes 1. WE2 at fixed potential (E offset vs RE1)
2. WE2 scanning (E offset vs WE1)
Max. potential WE2 ΔE(WE1) + ΔE(WE2) < 1.6 V  [3]
Electrometer amplifier input > 1 TΩ // 10 pF
Bandwidth  250 kHz
Communications and peripherals
Communication UART
Communication with external peripherals SPI and I2C
Analog I/O 3 analog input pins
Digital I/O 7 general-purpose I/O pins
1 wake-up pin
On-chip temperature sensor ±2 °C
Power Consumption

Hibernate: 10 μA

Active: 5 mA to 15 mA (depending on activity)

Storage 4000 datapoints on-chip (supports optional external SD card or NAND chip for mass storage)
Mounting 72-lead LGA package
Dimensions 6 mm X 5 mm 
Operation temperature range -40°C to +85°C
EIS Accuracy Contour Plot

Software Development

Develop software for PC, smartphone or microcontroller

Whether you want to write a simple or advanced Windows application, develop an Android or iPhone app or integrate the EmStat Pico in your own hardware, you can do it with our software development tools and code examples.

The EmStat Pico Development Board can also be controlled directly with our PSTrace software for Windows and PStouch app for Android.

Overview of software development tools

Software Development Kits for .NET

The PalmSens Software Development Kits (SDKs) for .NET can be used with any of our instruments or OEM potentiostat modules to develop your own software. The SDK’s come with a set of examples that shows how to use the libraries.

PalmSens SDKs with examples are available for the following .NET Frameworks:

  • WinForms
  • WPF
  • Xamarin (for Android)
  • UWP
SDKs for .NET

MethodSCRIPT™ communications protocol

The EmStat Pico potentiostat module has an on-board parser for the MethodSCRIPT scripting language. This language allows developers to program a human-readable script for the EmStat Pico module on any platform or operating system. The simple script language allows for running electrochemical techniques supported by EmStat Pico and makes it easy to combine different measurements and other tasks.

More information about MethodSCRIPT


Software (8)

Name Last updated
PSTrace PC software for all single channel instruments PSTrace software is shipped as standard with all single channel and multiplexed instruments. The software provides support for all techniques and device functionalities. 08-07-24
MethodSCRIPT code examples MethodSCRIPT code examples include:
- MethodSCRIPTExample_C
- MethodSCRIPTExample_C_Linux
- MethodSCRIPTExample_C#
- MethodSCRIPTExample_Arduino
- MethodSCRIPTExample_Python
- MethodSCRIPTExample_iOS
- MethodSCRIPTExample_Android
Every code example comes with a "Getting Started" document.
PalmSens SDK for Python PalmSens Python SDK 5.9 with support for PalmSens instruments. 07-11-22
EmStat Pico Firmware v1.3.4 See app note "EmStat Pico firmware updating" for more information about updating built-in and bare EmStat Pico modules. 13-12-21
EmStat Pico Firmware v1.2 See app note "EmStat Pico firmware updating" for more information about updating built-in and bare EmStat Pico modules. 13-12-21
Getting started with PalmSens SDK for WPF This manual explains how to use the SDK with the included libraries and examples. 07-06-21
Getting started with PalmSens SDK for WinForms This manual explains how to use the SDK with the included libraries and examples. 07-06-21
Getting started with PalmSens SDK for Android This manual explains how to use the SDK with the included libraries and examples. 07-06-21

Documentation (8)

Name Last updated
MethodSCRIPT v1.5 The MethodSCRIPT scripting language is designed to improve the flexibility of the PalmSens potentiostat and galvanostat devices for OEM users. It allows users to start measurements with arguments that are similar to the arguments in PSTrace. PalmSens provides libraries and examples for handling low level communication and generating scripts for MethodSCRIPT devices such as the EmStat Pico and EmStat4. 25-03-24
EmStat Pico and EmStat4 bootloader commands This document explains how to enter the bootloader of the EmStat Pico or the EmStat4M and update the firmware. 05-10-23
MethodSCRIPT v1.4 The MethodSCRIPT scripting language is designed to improve the flexibility of the PalmSens potentiostat and galvanostat devices for OEM users. It allows users to start measurements with arguments that are similar to the arguments in PSTrace. PalmSens provides libraries and examples for handling low level communication and generating scripts for MethodSCRIPT devices such as the EmStat Pico and EmStat4. 01-02-23
EmStat Pico Core – Brochure EmStat Pico Core brochure, Development kit, SDK and more. 12-09-22
EmStat Pico communication protocol v1.3 This document describes the “online” communication protocol of the EmStat Pico. Initial communication with an EmStat Pico is always done using this online communication. Measurements and other scripts can be started by sending a MethodSCRIPT, 13-06-22
MethodSCRIPT v1.3 The MethodSCRIPT scripting language is designed to improve the flexibility of the PalmSens potentiostat and galvanostat devices for OEM users. It allows users to start measurements with arguments that are similar to the arguments in PSTrace. PalmSens provides libraries and examples for handling low level communication and generating scripts for MethodSCRIPT devices such as the EmStat Pico and EmStat4. 19-01-22
MethodSCRIPT v1.2 MethodSCRIPT v1.2 protocol description 28-04-20
EmStat Pico communication protocol v1.2 Describes the EmStat Pico communications protocol which is based on MethodSCRIPT 08-04-20

Other (1)

Name Last updated
Introduction to electrochemical sensing – Tutorial The first part of this presentation contains how electrochemistry works and how it can be used for sensing applications. The second half explains what a potentiostat is and which applications are suitable for the EmStat Pico potentiostat offered by PalmSens. Details of the EmStat Pico’s capabilities will be shown, as well as instructions on how to use it. 15-07-21

Application Note (2)

Name Last updated
Limitations for EIS on EmStat Pico 18-12-20
pH Measurement using EmStat Pico This article shows the ease of integration of the device into a system and demonstrates the range of applications of the potentiostat module by detailing three different electrochemical measurements: OCP (pH), cyclic voltammetry, and EIS. 07-09-20
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